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Your fast-track to the Web 3
Your Fast-Track to the Web 3
Welcome to the Keen Circle (1:25)
Course Introduction (0:52)
First Section | Web 3
Introduction to Web 3 (0:35)
Types of Webs and their Evolution (2:45)
The Three Pillars of Web 3 (3:36)
Key Components of Web 3 (3:14)
Practical Ways to Use Web 3 (2:05)
Web 3 Applications in Marketing (2:38)
Second Section | Blockchain
Introduction to Blockchain (0:53)
Definition and History (4:19)
Types of Blockchain (2:24)
Blockchain Technology (3:05)
Cryptocurrency (4:50)
Practical Examples (5:32)
Blockchain for Marketers (4:40)
Third Section | Metaverse
Introduction to Metaverse (1:31)
Definition and History of the Metaverse (4:25)
Layers of the Metaverse (3:15)
Technology (5:33)
Megatrends Shaping the Metaverse (4:13)
What Does the Metaverse Mean to Web 3 (3:34)
Most Popular Metaverse Platforms Explained (3:21)
Metaverse in Different Industries (4:11)
Ideas of Metaverse in Marketing (5:36)
Fourth Section | NFTs
Introduction to NFTs (0:32)
What are NFTs? (2:48)
How do NFTs work? (2:05)
History of NFTs (3:56)
The Value of NFTs (1:59)
Examples of Successful NFTs (1:45)
NFT Buying, Selling, and Creation Process (3:54)
What Do NFTs Mean for Marketers? (5:07)
NFT applications in marketing (3:16)
How to Mint your Keen Circle NFT? (3:24)
Thank you!
Course Conclusion (0:23)
Practical Ways to Use Web 3
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